It's been some time since I last blogged but like FV I have been so busy getting ready for the holidays.I've made two Christmas cakes, christmas loaves, shopped, wrapped, mailed, presents for both families. Mine and hubby's. Decorated the house etc, and managed to fit a couple of days in at the office. But I think I am finally done and can now just rest and get ready for the day. Best news is that our girl Angela (DVM2012) is coming home tomorrow for two weeks. So excited to see her. I know it has only been a month since we last saw her, but we so miss her around here. She bought her Dad a webcam for his birthday and that has really helped. We can talk to her now and see her.
I am so tired these days, probably cause we've had such cold cold temperatures for the last two weeks or more. Haven't been able to get to the cottage, which also means not getting to the farm to see my ponies nor Sherry or to help her out. Going out on Sunday to help get hay and do what we can to get her on the road so that she and Martin can go Christmas shopping. The temperatures aren't suppose to be as warm as they first predicted, which was around -5 to zero. Highs of only -12-16. Oh well, warm enough to see the ponies and get some work done. We are very anxious to see the finished product on the renos. Waiting for the big house warming party. A real one not a virutal one although the virtual ones sounded awfully exciting.
Other than getting ready for Christmas, it has been too cold to do much else so that's about all the news. Oh I almost forgot, hubby bought me a new range for Christmas. Our old one was in the house when we bought it and we have lived here for 27 years so don't really know how old it was. Moved into the 21st century though and got a smooth top self cleaning. No more sticking my head in the oven and inhaling all those wonderful fumes. Doesn't seem like much but I am really excited about it. It is a challenge though, the heat is almost instant and it is very hot. I've only had one mishap so far and learned from that one.
Not much else, just looking forward to having my family all together and spending a nice Christmas at home. We are hoping to maybe getting to Banff or Jasper of a day or so. The kids want to go skiing for a day and I would just like to visit the mountains and take in their beauty. doesn't matter how many times I go, the mountains still remain very special to me and my family. Probably won't hear from me till after Christmas so just want to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A SAFE, HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR and we'll talk to you all in 2010.
This is the road on the farm that we love to ride down both winter and summer.

This is one of the farms we pass on our way to Fern Valley and to our cottage.
This is Rosey and Winston playing before Skitter arrived. Now it is the three of them always rough housing around.